More Highlights from The Anne Boleyn Experience 2010

My lovely bedroom, also known as the Azalea Room. One thing about the Astor Wing, the doors were really tricky. They were thick wood, like an Tudor Door, so after you turned the key you had to work the latch to get into your room. Also there were a lot of corridors in the Wing, so in order to remember which way to go, I had to remember the Peter Lely painting of Nell Gwynn that marked one of the corridors. Otherwise I would get lost on my way to the dining room.

Our goody bag, with at least some of the books that we received on our first night at the castle. On top is our Anne Boleyn Files bag. You can just about see the two of the three Elizabeth Norton books that we received, Anne Boleyn and Catherine Parr, plus another biography of Catherine Parr. I've become very interested lately in Henry's last wife. You can just barely see at the top The Tudor Housewife.

The Henry VIII puppet show that took place on Tuesday afternoon, our first day at Hever, was one of the few things that I was not that fond of. I was in the minority, other people loved it. I'm sure that it goes over great with school groups and people who don't know the story of the 6 Wives of Henry VIII but I found it tedious at times, although I did like the actor who played Henry VIII.

This is the lovely Annika Hammerton, who played one of Jane Seymour's ladies in waiting in The Tudors. She's wearing one of Jane Boleyn's dresses from The Other Boleyn Girl. Interestingly, Annika told us that the costumes for The Tudors were rented from various costume houses instead of made for the production, which probably explains why they are all over the place. It was nice to know that 'Johnny' (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) as she calls him was really nice on the set.

Wednesday we headed out to Hampton Court Palace, where they were reenacting the wedding of Henry to Kateryn Parr (as they spelled her name). Part of the fun was helping Kateryn (on the left) and her sister, choose what she would wear for such an auspicious occasion. I think we did a good job.

Thomas Seymour, the rejected suitor, and future husband of Kateryn Parr, who came to make his respects to the happy couple. He doesn't look too pleased to lose his love to his sovereign.

This is Moira, the the first and so far only female Yeoman of the Guard at the Tower of London, with John our guide, pointing out the ER on her uniform. She joined The Guard in 2008. The Yeoman have to have served at least 20 years in the armed forces (which now includes the Royal Navy), have earned the good conduct medal and reached the rank of Staff Sergeant or higher.  They retire from The Tower at 65 but before then, they and their families actually live in The Tower, which made me think that someone should write a YA about a teenager living at The Tower, either historical or contemporary.

Michelle and Julissa, my fellow Anne Boleyn participants, wearing two of Bess Chilver's costumes, while posing out of what looks like the window overlooking the courtyard in the castle. But it couldn't be, right? The castle was closed for the night.


Marg said…
Oh, a YA timeslip novel featuring a teenager who lived at the Tower would be awesome!
ChristyEnglish said…
What a great must have had a ball. Thank you for sharing with us...
I know. I can't decide which would be better a historical or a contemporary. Imagine living at the Tower when Anne Boleyn was brought just before her execution or Katherine Howard. I'm surprised someone hasn't written this before.
Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us, so I can live it vicariously! :) It looks absolutely wonderful
It was. I can't wait until next year. Claire is doing two tours, an Executed Queens tour featuring Anne, Jane Grey, and Mary Queen of Scots in May, and then the Anne Boleyn tour in July. I definitely want to go on the Executed Queens tour.

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